Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mockingbird Motif

At the beggining of the year i had no clue what motif ment. Even when we had to do it for the summer assignment i was still unsure of the true meaning of motif was. I think that To Kill a Mockingbird has definatly helped me understand what motif is.
The mockingbird motif basically means its wrong to hurt something that is fragile or a sin to kill a mockingbird. It definatly adds to the other symbolic themes of the book like racism. Take Tom Robinson for example hes like a mockingbird because he didnt do anything wrong, but people are trying to accuse him of terrible things just because he is black.

Friday, November 6, 2009


One thing that my parents have always told me is to stay positive. What they mean is if you dont stay positive you cant accomplish very much, and if you do stay positive you can accomplish much more. This advice has never let me down my whole life.
The one time this advice seemed the most true was when i was 13 and playing in the regional championship game. We were losing by three runs and it was our last at bat but for some reason every one on the team was relaxed and having fun and looking at the postives. We ended up winning the game, but I think it was mostly because every stayed positive and no one seemed to ever lose faith.