Friday, September 25, 2009


When i read a book that doesnt interest it is very difficult for me to stick with it. One example is The Cathcher in the Rye. Within the first few pages of the book i already thought that i hated the book, but i new i had to read it. So thats what i did. Suprisingly i ended up liking the book.So now whenever i start a book i dont like i stick with it a little longer to see if ill end up liking it like i liked The Catcher in the Rye.
When my ideal reading place isnt avaliable i dont read. I like it perfectly quiet. If it isnt i end up listening to the noises around me and thinking about them instead of the book. as a result i wont be able to remeber a thing.
Fiction books are my favorite. I like them because you never no what can happen in them. They always can keep you guessing. Also i read fiction because i like creativity. I dont like boring books with no creativity or personality.